Jan 1, 2024
Happy New Year Everyone
Jan 13, 2024
I woke up today Hoping to go to the Doggie Park! It has been a long time since I was able to run and fetch at the Park. I love to play fetch with my favorite ball, but when I bring it back I don’t want to release it. Guess I will have to work on that Lol. Time passed but I guess it is too cold to go today. Maybe when it gets warmer.
Feb 14, 2024
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone. Hope everyone has a very nice Day today and get lots of roses and chocolates. Wish I could eat chocolates, but my family says they are very toxic to me and all dogs. Well I hope I get something that I like today, because I think they Love Me! Later that day we got in the car and went to my favorite store PetSmart. I hope I get my favorite treats today. We started down the isles and every time I smelled something that I liked they would stop the shopping cart and I got lots of treats and toys. I guess they really do LOVE ME!
March 3, 2024
I usually not the first one up every morning, but today is Special, Today is My Human Daddy’s Birthday. I jumped on the bed and started licking him on the face to wake him up. Happy Birthday I said in my doggie barks. Hope he knows what I said Lol. I guess he don’t have to work today, because he stayed around all day and I just sat in his lap all day until it was time for bed.
April 26, 2024
I woke up and had my breakfast as usual, but something did not seems right in my tummy. A few hours later I vomited. My mommy made me some chicken and rice which is good for my tummy plus I really like it!
May 3, 2024
I woke up feeling a lot better than I did last week. I wonder what we are going to do today? A few hours later, My Daddy picked me up and we all got in the car and away we went. Much to my surprise, we are at My Favorite Store PetSmart. I just love for my family to push me in the shopping cart. We go down every isle and when I smell something that I like I Bark – and they put it in the cart. Man what a life! We got back home and I was fed some great tasting food and I played with my new toys until I was so tired – I layed down and took my Doggie Nap!
May 11, 2024
I am feeling much better now and my eating is back to Normal. I hope we go to the Doggie Park Today, because it has been a long long time since we have been there. After breakfast we loaded up in the car and off we went. To my surprise we ended up at the Doggie Park – YEA! We played fetch for a long time It is My Favorite thing to do, but when I start I don’t want to stop Lol. Finally we got in the car and headed back home where I took my well deserved Doggie Nap!
May 25, 2024
I wanted to sleep in today – Hey even a Doggie likes to sleep in sometimes! About 9 AM I smelled my favorite meal – Chicken, and of course I ran as fast as I could to investigate – if it was for me! Yep chicken for me – this is going to be a Great Day! See ya later – I got some serious eating to do!
June 8, 2024
I woke up today when I heard My Human Parents talking and I am Hoping that they are taking me to the Doggie Park again today! A little later they called me and in the car I went. Is it true are we really going to the Doggie Park?
A few minutes later we stopped and YES we are at the Doggie Park. I love to play fetch with my favorite ball. We played and played until I was Panting. We got in the car and back Home we went.
June 22, 2024
I woke up today to a loud noise. It was something I hear about every 2 weeks. It was the grounds keeper mowing our front and back yard. I don’t like the noise so I run back and forth in the house barking and barking.
I smelled my favorite food and I forgot about the loud noise and started eating My Breakfast. I always get a good treat if I eat all My Food. You should always eat all your food also. Maybe you will get a treat like ice cream!
July 01, 2024
I guess it must be time to take my Monthly medicine – Here My Mommy comes with It. I don’t mind it because it tastes really Good. I take INTERCEPTOR PLUS every Month so I don’t get any Heartworms, Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, and Tapeworms!

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